

Create activity

Your friends can edit and create new activities.

To edit an activity (did you spot a spelling mistake?) simply follow the Improve this page link at the top of most pages on bettermtl.com.

To create a new activity:

  • Create a New file in the _activities directory
  • Copy the example activity bellow to get a head start, you can delete the [optional] details which you cannot specify at this time, for example you may not know the location yet - come back later to edit and update the activity
  • Ensure the file name has the .md ending
  • Commit changes to save

In a few moments, you’ll see your changes appear on bettermtl.com

Example activity

ref: "reactjs-talk"
title: "Intro to ReactJS"
cover: "https://i.imgur.com/rPyXMhl.png"
date: "2017-01-02T17:30:00.000Z"
start_time: "17:30"
end_time: "21:00"
organizer: js-montreal
location: notman
categories: javascript talk react
lang: "en"
Happy new year, JS'ers!


- What is React?
- Your first ReactJS app
- Bundle and release

[Register here](http://eventbrite.com)

The different lines explained

Specify cofiguration details at the top between --- and ---. This structured data tells jekyll (the static site generator used to create bettermtl.com) how to process the file.

Name the file in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD-title.md

# Example of activity file name

Config for activities

# reference must be unique, also links different translations together
ref: "reactjs-talk"
# title of the event
title: "Intro to ReactJS"
# url for cover photo [optional]
cover: "https://i.imgur.com/rPyXMhl.png"
# the date of the activity, should match filename date
date: "2017-01-02T17:30:00.000Z"
# what time does the activity start [optional]
start_time: "17:30"
# what time does the activity end [optional]
end_time: "21:00"
# organizer ref(erence) defined in the _network directory [optional]
organizer: js-montreal
# location ref(erence) defined in the _locations directory [optional]
location: notman
# type of activity, list categories [optional]
categories: "javascript" "talk" "react"
# language [optional], default is "fr" - ensure ref is the same for all translations
lang: "en"

Activity content

Write your content using markdown right bellow the file config (also known as front-matter data).

Get involved

(in order of difficulty ☺)

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